v o i c e   r e t r e a t 

A 3-day retreat deep in the Viroin valley in Namur, Belgium. A group of 17 playing with the power of our voices, connecting to the land without and within.

Een driedaagse retraite diep in de vallei van de Viroin in Namen. 17 mensen die zich via de kracht van hun stem verbinden met het landschap binnenin en rondom ons.

Led by Eva De Groote, Kathleen Melis and Eva Peeters
With Stevie Wishart & JJ Middleway as voice guides

Photos by Rasa Alksnyte
Drawings by Joke Vangheluwe
Recordings by Ruben Nachtergaele



an adventure
from different corners
a gathering of singing
in a magical encounter
for one moment
for one weekend
an otherworldly realm
as one body
as one lung
and spirit
and then silence.

Listen to the recordings:

From the secret valley, an afterthought

And now
a lingering bliss
stretching it
for as long as you can
a long, deep breath
an endless sigh
letting go
of whatever it was
you were holding on to.